Best way to get Non Availability of Birth Certificate

Non Availability of Birth Certificate (NABC)

Best way to get Non Availability of Birth Certificate :- It is mandatory to register all births with the state government within 21 days of birth in India. It is mandatory to register all births with the state government within 21 days of birth in India. If you need to get a green card in the US, you’ll need a birth certificate. But, in some cases, due to unforeseen circumstances. If a person is unable to get his or her birth certificate. He/she must provide a Non-Availability of Birth Certificate (NABC).

Best way to get Non Availability of Birth Certificate
Best way to get Non Availability of Birth Certificate

Non Availability of Birth Certificate is an official document used in the case of NRIs. Which states that searches are conducted to get proof of the birth of a person under section 17 registration of the act of birth and death. The municipal (MC) is issuing a matter of non- Availability of birth certificates in India. If it is a rural district, the vaccination department can release it. If you are an NRI and cannot travel to India. You can now apply for an NRI birth certificate online from the comfort of your own home.

There are 3 ways NRIs can apply to NABC without traveling to India

1.Direct Visit to get NABC

Visits the nearest municipal organization’s office and request a health officer and registrar. The search needs to be done so that there is no birth record in the registrar’s office. Once confirmed. The application and necessary documents should be given to the concerned office. The registrar will then confirm the application form and issue the NABC.

2. Go To Online to get NABC

This is an incomparable and time-saving method for accessing NABC. Visit the website of the municipal organization of the province concerned and register. After registration, online services can be accessed by the applicant. The applicant must refer to the form with the title of the late issuance of the birth order. Complete all required form details. And upload scanned images of supporting documents such as address proof , identity proof.

Once all documents are completed. You have to pay the fee of the certificate. A receipt number will then be created. Which has to be kept with the applicant for future use. The whole process may take one week to one month to verify the details and provide the NABC.

The process of NRI receives their NABC without traveling to India.

An NRI documentation service is required for NRIs. To access administrative documents and other legal documents. To get an NRI birth certificate online, Follow the following steps-
1. The first step is to visit the website of the MC of the concerned Indian State.
2. Then sign up for their web services with the help of a voting card or Aadhar card.
3. After registration, go to the form with the after the issue of the delayed birth order.
4. Complete the required information on the form and upload the scanned copies of the required documents.
5. After submission of the form, pay the online payment.
6. A receipt number will be generated for future use.
7. Data verification can take a week to a month.

Required Documents for applying for an NRI birth certificate

1. Aadhar Card 2. Pan card 3. Rating card4. Passport Photocopy

Required birth certificate includes

1. School Certificate (10th Mark Sheet or Transfer Certificate) 2. Passport Photocopy 3. Driving licenses 4. A nursing home, Vaccination card, or Hospital Report Card. 5. Affidavit

Officials in charge of releasing NABC in India

In urban areas

the municipal company of the province concerned handles evicting the NABC. While in rural areas. Emergency personnel is authorized to issue a certificate. NRIs born before 1969, Indian consulates could launch NABC.
Eligibility for applying for an NRI birth certificate
All Indian states have separate procedures for NABC’s release. For example, the following conditions in Delhi,
1. NRI or Indian citizen, born within the NCT jurisdiction of Delhi.

2. A person should not have a birth certificate issued anywhere in India.

3. There should be a least one-year gap between the date of birth and the date of performance.

3. Heir Legal Services Company for NABC

If you live out of the country. And you want your parents who are in India. He was with you. You’ll need a visa and a passport for your parents. Which will must their birth certificate? Here it is likely that they do not have a birth certificate. And you can’t even quit your job or business. Then you have to hire a legal service company at your place to complete the work of NABC or all the necessary documents. Which completes the work of all the documents for you. This is an excellent tool for those people. Who complete all their documents without leaving their work.

How to Apply for Non -Availability of Birth Certificate (NABC)
Galaxy NRI Services

Receives their NABC without traveling to India

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